Twiggs and Associates Inc.
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Tech Tips
Using 'e-zines' to build customer relationships
Every 24 hours, there are an average of 30,000 new Internet users. This is in addition to the hundreds of millions of Internet junkies and fortune-seekers that already spend their precious time glued to a PC monitor.

The No. 1 reason that people are using the Internet is information. If you are attempting to create and manage a successful Internet business then you must distribute your information to these Internet users. The odds are in your favor that you will find people who are looking for what you have to offer.

By far the best way to reach these people with your information is by publishing your own e-zine. An e-zine can involve a lot of work, and one of the biggest hurdles for many is simply not knowing where to start. The best place to start is always the beginning. And that means that you need to understand exactly what an e-zine is and why you need one.


Welcome to Tech Tips!
In speaking with many of my clients, I have learned that there are many things that can make life easier when using computers, that are not common knowledge. Over the next three months, I will be publishing and sharing information with you that will hopefully help to make using computers and the Internet a safe and enjoyable experience.

In this article, I will cover three items: (1) use of passwords, (2) safe use of email, and (3) a new high-speed Internet service - ClearWire.
