Twiggs and Associates Inc.
ASK US how to use the Internet to create a community of supporters of your church, small business or non-profit organization.
Hydroponics & Indoor Farming
- Consulting
- Business Development
- Joint Ventures
- Training
- Business/Internet Strategies
- Technology Integration
- Fundraising Strategies for Non-Profit Organizations
- SitemakerCMS Affiliate
- Over Forty Years Professional Experience
- Websites: Planning,Design and Implementation—Since 1994
- Internet Strategies Seminars
- Training: Staff and Individual Skill Development
- Plus
- Online Marketing and Member Services
- E-Commerce Program Development
- Online Newspapers and Magazines
- Audio and Video Streaming
- Nationwide Internet Access
- Co-founders, African American Business Link
- Co-founders, The Web Deacon
Blog Preview
How many times have you heard a competitor, a co-worker or a friend state that they have twice as many hits on their Web site as you do? How many times have you said that yourself... Continues...
E-mail marketing works, there's no denying it. Its key advantage over other Internet marketing methods is that it enables you to contact the customer instead of forcing the... Continues...

A new model for mentoring African American youth is presented here for your review and... Continues...
If you grew up in the 1950s or '60s like I did, you may have viewed the whole computer takeover of our lives with skepticism and reservation. I resisted using a PC for a long time,... Continues...
So you've got your website up and running. You've spent some time and effort getting to this stage, so it's crucial that you optimize your efforts and success by spreading the word... Continues...
Ask us about our services and training
- indoor urban gardening
- affinity groups and sponsor relations
- local business directories
Site last modified December 6, 2023