Twiggs and Associates Inc.
Our Services
In addition to our own services, we work with experienced providers to help your business optimize its technology and training investments and improve results.


In addition to small business, we have assisted non-profit organizations, churches and government agencies with communication and training needs since 1987.

Most businesses can benefit from the use of Internet technology. The question is:How do you integrate the technology into the business strategies, goals and objectives already in place?

Twiggs & Associates can help you develop a plan that highlights the benefits available to your specific business, products and services. We work with you to develop a plan that harnesses the power of the Internet as a tool for expanding your reach and delivering your message to an expanding local, national and global marketplace.

Electronic Publishing

Newspapers and Magazines

Publishing on the Internet is more than simply setting up an attractive webpage. It takes timely, relevant information to keep visitors coming back. We offer an online publishing system that includes the complete automation of production for online newspapers and magazines. It includes an "HTML-free" editing system with instant updating, and integrated easy-to-use advertising features.

Business Directories

The Business Directory can carry banner advertising with automated, traceable links to any web site. Advertising or sponsorship banners can be used as an announcement vehicle, or it can be sold to clients and to external organizations wishing to communicate with clients, or it can be used to provide links to related industries and programs. African American Business Link, founded in 1994, is our oldest established directory.

Employment Matching

JobFair is the online employment center for AABL. It provides a means of advertising job opportunities to local, national and global audiences via the Internet. It is designed to be an online resource of qualified minority applicants. Easy-to-use templates gather essential data and display formatted descriptions of both applicants and job opportunities. Direct access can be offered to clients for remote job postings as a service or member benefit. An online job-posting service can be added to your own site, too, and its listings can be mirrored at AABL.

Electronic Commerce

Is it enough to just be on the Internet? Not any more. You must be able to conduct business there, too. E-commerce in the United States is growing 30 times the rate of the overall economy. Over 100 million US adults are already Internet users and many of them are not just browsing; they are buying and selling goods and services online. If customers can't purchase in a secure, fast, reliable environment; they won't purchase at all. Remember, your competition is literally just a mouse click away. We can help you develop a strategy for doing business on the Internet, whether you offer a product or service.


If you're still holding on to that 680x0, 386 or 486 computer (AKA boat anchor), hoping to give it to a family member, think again! The new software on the market requires faster processors, more memory and much larger hard drives than were commonly available when those systems were purchased.

We can help you evaluate your computer hardware and software needs; recommend a vendor, and develop a training plan to help you get the most out of your investment.


Understanding what your employees need to know to be productive is not the same as knowing the results you hope to achieve. Specific skills and abilities must be developed to take advantage of benefits that new technologies offer in the workplace. We can help you design training plans that develop employee skills and abilities specific to your business needs.